positive thinking quotes happiness Rhonda Byrne was born 1955. She is an Australian television writer and producer, best known for her work, The Secret, a New Thought book and movie.
She has also been a producer for Sensing Murder. According to an article published by Australia's Herald Sun, Rhonda has also worked on the Australian TV series World's Greatest Commercials and Marry Me. In 2007, Byrne was listed among Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People in The World.
The Secret 20 minutes
This is the first 20 minutes of the global film phenomenon The Secret.
The Secret part 1 of 2
The Secret part 2 of 2
Larry King Interviews Oprah on The Secret
How The Secret works
The Secret Rhonda Byrne
Unleash your true individual spirit, that's been lying dormant inside you for years. Doing so will bring you abundance in every possible way, not just financial abundance, but emotional, physical, and spiritual. Do you realize you are capable of attracting the kind of people in your life that you deserve? Well, its time to change your life, Seriously. Most of us are born with this preconceived notion that you are who you are, and nothing can change that. Lets be honest you know down deep you strive to get more out of life. Well here's your chance, and all you need is the desire for change. Stop being a spectator in life, and put yourself in the game.