Thursday, March 20, 2008

Learn how to hypnotize people Therapy NLP

Yes I can hypnotize... And as well as you... All people it can... And not use.. Not knowing it... probably you remember some good or bad words observe to you in life.... and they are recollected to you from time to time ... We do not know that give people positive or negative installations every day... And if it tell at the certain moment when the person is weakened and does not think of anything concrete... It is work!
It is possible to give to itself any installations... When it is weakened.... Here we will describe how it works
NLP, Hypnosis and Provocative Therapy on two people at once

I as earlier in myself have found out it and now have decided it to study.... Too tried earlier to close an eye and to present that I am in a pleasant place for me... Also I enter into the house... Also I change there all for that that is pleasant to me... It also is programming.... Before relaxing it is necessary to think of a problem which you want to solve and release it what it was solved while you travel in the world which imagine.... You relax... And mentally transform the house either any premise(room) or even a garden.. Which you imagine.. You change as it is pleasant to you... And gradually you come back in real... And work on a problem already goes you are not dependent on you it have changed... Has started change for the best....

You can erase anyone not good installation.. forced choice to you and to replace on good which it is really necessary for you, only it is necessary to begin with not the big problems. And gradually to move to large if it is necessary... completely it is possible to release(exempt) itself and to go that dear which itself you choose... all so is simple... We many times heard.. Think about good I can execute and etc... Ideas feasible... But it is necessary to do it in a relaxation.... Then it works.

It also is self-hypnosis. And hypnosis of others this skill of people to enter into this condition relaxation... And to give installation.... at us it sometimes turns out casually.... we as though go with the automatic device and thus are blind if not we are able to operate it... And frequently we do not think that we speak.... hypnosis it is possible to give people positive installations and even to treat... Only that that it is connected to health already top of pilotage.... That another in hypnosis to cure it would be necessary to train long... On small problems... The big problems can be solved parts... And to meditate visualize changing them to the best at demand processing needs for it... Step by step deciding this problem and then it will leave such mysticism

System of a Down-Hypnotize